Okay so I have to share this with you because I am still in disbelief- I mean I am actually hoping to wake up tomorrow and it will not be true (probably not though). Today my almost 16 yo had his rode test, he has been driving for about 15 months without any problems but he was nervous. I assured him it would go fine........ and thankfully he got through all the functional testing, parrallel parking, stopping, backing, etc.............. so then he gets on the freeway, she takes him through a "round about" and construction zone- I thought, man he is doing great we just have to go through a quiet neighborhood and stop at a zillion stop signs but he can do that without any problem. Oh wait................. ack! it is a busy intersection now, he has to stop at the light and turn left. Phew- he has come to a complete stop and is waiting and BAM! Wait, did we just get hit? Uh........ yeah we did. Not only that- she hit us so hard we went flying into the car in front of us. Thankfully my son put on the brake and we did limited damage to that little yellow mustang (oh so sorry!) So here we are sitting sandwiched between two cars, the van behind us is a mess (probably totalled) and my poor son is sitting at the wheel with a driving instructor in the passenger seat. I could have cried- the poor kid was shaking. Now I know it is not his fault and it will not effect his license but he didnt finish the test and so now we have to start over. Ugh....... can you believe this? I am thankful that all are safe but what an "inconvenience"
Now I will share with you a challenge that I am participating in since you hung around and heard our sad story

Ha ha............ that little turkey is a wild animal right? I was looking at some challenges and the
Dutch Dare one had to be a wild animal. Well I have others but I was giggling when I looked at this one because it will throw you off I think. How many wild animals eat dinner at the table with ya! This is a precious moment stamp, they are retired and not for sale anymore but I had to pull this one out as we come into fall and Thanksgiving! I used some Debbie Mum paper that I got at Jo's the other day, real rust and mustard SU cardstock to matte them. I colored them with my copics and love the results. It is soft and yet vibrant. I am also submitting this card for a sketch challenge as well. I thought it was a nice sketch and will use it again.
Hello Heidi.... you have made me smile today twice, and with the day you have had! Oh my your poor son! So how long does he have to wait to take the test again? Poor kid!
Ok... so here is what I am thinking, this is the first blog I have not done a runner up, you have made me smile, and were the first to give congrats...
So email me your address and I will RAK out some stamped out donkeys for you to play with!
Hi Heidi,
First off, cute card!! Secondly, you left a comment on my family blog to say that I won your "help me out" card!!! Thank you so much, I love it!!
My address is
Cris Anderson
17530 Brandel Ave
South Bend IN 46635
SUPER card ~~ precious! The most surprising part of your story was that you got to ride along with for the driver test!! Wow ~~ things have changed since my day!! Well, tell your son not to feel bad. Last year the day after Thanksgiving I was coming home from a friend's house with my kids ~~ hubby was up north hunting, OF COURSE ~~ & some little girl plowed into the back of us. I had stopped because the traffic in front of us had stopped, but did she stop? Noooo...she was too busy changing her radio station (she admitted this). But get this ~~ her little sedan TOTALED my Sienna minivan!! And she claims she was going 10 mph.......don't think so!!!!
Whew, I got so worked up there ~~ my point is I have been driving for....well....a LOT of years! It happens.....SO not his fault.....that's so sad though!! Hope he's not too scared to get back behind the wheel....I was sure nervous about it!! Good luck to him!!
Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. I hope everyone is ok and that your son will pass his road test soon.
oh dear, what an awful thing to happen, hope that you are all ok. and that it hasn't knocked his confidence to try again...what rotten luck.
Your card is beautiful love the image and your lovely papers. xx
very cute
what a super cute card !!!!!!!!
just too precious !!!!!tfs:)
Beautiful! Love the papers and the turkey is so stinkin cute! And there's just something special about those PM images! Tell your son to hang in there. That driving inspector should never have placed him in that position.
oh my gosh.. heidi... your poor son!
iam sooo sorry for him. I hope he can do the test soon.
thank you my friend for the wonderful card you have sent to me :-) it was so wonderful to read it once i came home big hug for that
your card is just darling. love your coloring on that one a lot
Love your precious moment card...very adorable! I am so sorry about what happened with your son...thank God he is okay. I am sure he will build strength to take the test again.
OMGosh ... I feel so bad for your son ... what's the chances, huh!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for him to have smooth driving on the next road test!!
Your card is ADORABLE!! How cute is this image!! Great coloring too!!
OMGosh, your poor son! Glad everyone is ok though! and I hope that he gets back in the car and takes that test again real soon! good luck to him!
Oh, poor guy...bless his heart. Here's hoping he gets back behind the wheel and gets his license, soon.
Cute card. I am really glad your son is ok.
That is the cutest card I have seen in a long time! I love the image!
Cute card.
I can't believe they didn't let you son pass. With everything that happened, you would think they would pass him. Glad to hear everyone was ok. Good luck on his next road test.
Ack!! Can't believe that happened to him. Poor thing. I remember how bad I was shaken when I was rear-ended and I had been driving forever! How is he doing? What were you guys driving.....not your car was it?
So sorry about the accident! That is terrible!
I love the little recious moments card, it is precious!
What a bummer for your son. Poor guy. At least it wasn't his fault and he can take the test later. And no one was hurt.
Great cards. Love them all.
I LOVE This it so sweet!
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