Oh boy- what a week ladies! I feel like I went around the world and back. I was only gone overnight but boy it whipped my butt! I then organized and hosted a golf outing for 60 golfers today, well the organization took place over the last 5 months and all culminated into the day today! We had the most beautiful day, just slightly warm and sunny! I think that everyone had a blast- beautiful course and lots of fun. But I will say- I am relieved it is over. Oh and did I mention that I hosted a party as well? I have not done anything for my friends and customers all summer long- thought it was time I did.

This is the fall card we made using autumn harvest. We stamped the image in stazon on water paper and then colored with pumpkin ink and marker. I like to get them comfortable using different techniques and tools and so we used the aquapainter. I love the look of watercoloring and it truly is easy. We used pumpkin pie, mustard and olive with some chocolate in there... .. uh, that pretty much describes the BESTEST fall combination doesn't it?
So- the next card we did because I am not a huge halloween kind of gal- oh yes there are you ladies out there that live for it and I will admit that many of those cards you all make tempt me so but physically it is not a day we celebrate or do anything. When my kids were littel I would dress em up and 5 houses later they were like, "Ok, can we go home now?" HUH? I spent all this time getting you ready, I should think not! LOL! I am not ready for Christmas so we went with spring (or end of summer blast I like to think)
This is on baha breeze which is a new stampin up color and I love it, not really a fall color but it sure is pretty. We used olive, pretty in pink, ruby red and baha breeze ink as well. It was a fun card to make- imagine 6 ladies all trying to punch out the circles, being sure they got the right size and then stamping the exact images so they could make this card. Tee hee......... I hope they didn't get too frustrated, I think not because they seemed to like the card.
I hope you enjoy the cards- I will try to post again tomorrow but it is going to be hectic. I leave for CA on Monday, stop over in Phoenix on my way home Thursday night. Then Saturday off to Cedar Point- does that sound like a full week? I will do my best though. Thanks for stopping in and don't forget me, I will be back!