Good day! Aren't these cards cheerful and fun? As you can tell this week I have been working on some fun colored cards. I know it is not warm or spring yet..... but I just can't help myself. It is cold and blistery here and this is my ticket to warmth. LOL!
For both of the cards I used the Mojo
Monday sketch. This week you got to use a round sketch or a square sketch and I would typically use a square one (they are easier, doncha think?). So I figured I would go ahead and give myself a little challenge and strive to make the circular card. And after finishing the first one I thought it was so darned cute that I had to make another one. I have some clear envelopes that I figured I could slide these into and mail out- and won't that make the postal workers smile?

So there it is for today- some sunshine and and wishes! Have a fabulous day: we are off to spend some family time together before the kids go back to school.