Oh my Melissa Craig tagged me- check out her sight here She has some nice things which include a cute new puppy and she is getting ready for BLOG CANDY!
So, now that I have been tagged I have to do the following:
1. Link to the person that tagged you
2. Post 7 random/weird facts about yourself on your blog (cause we all want to know how weird you are!)
3. Tag 7 people at the end and link to their blog
4. Leave comments on each blog that you tag so that they know!
Random facts: (not so weird though)
1. I have a tigger tatoo on my right ankle that I had done as a gift to my husband for his birthday!
2. I can belch louder than most men I know (not that I am proud of it but it has come in handy at contests)
3. I live in Michigan and yet I hate the winter!
4. I traveled in Europe for a month in 1985 with my mother (and we are still speaking!)
5. I am adopted (so is my brother)
6. When I vacation, I like to go tropical (not so weird but true!)
7. I can wiggle my ears (is that desperate for #7 or what?)
Now I am suppose to tag 7 ladies/men but I know there is a lot of tagging going on so I will only pick a couple.
Roxy She has some sweet boxes and wonderful ideas.
Emily I just love her stuff and she looks like a FUN gal!
Amanda She has fun "other" stuff to share with us!
Krissy I have to do this, she is a fellow Michigander with new Hanna Stamps! (so cute too!)
Michelle She has fun stuff- and a good trader
Paula A new swapping friend with some beautiful work
Okay I am going to stop there. ............... but you ladies, get ready for some BLOG CANDY! I am thinking up something fun for the holidays as well!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Designer Paper- Oh yeah!!!
I know, I got off easy today but I have done nothing the last 3 nights, NOTHING- I think that I burned myself out and just couldn't sit down and create. But I am ready to start again so hopefully tonight I will get some time and if I do- you will get to see the goodies!
And- it is about time for more blog candy ladies- I am at almost 3000!! So keep an eye out, not sure what I am going to do but do have a few ideas in my head.
Tata- heidi
Monday, October 22, 2007
I know it is not a lot but I am so in the preparing mode for this bazaar. Tonight I made 13 snowman soups in cone shaped packets along with the tags for them, last night I made like 40 tags then finished up the photo holders and mailboxes. So things are moving along but lots of work girls! I will try and get a few more projects up this week.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Memories linger.......................
So, now what am I going to be doing? Well as many of you know I have that craft show that I am organizing and also having a table. So, I have been working on projects for it. I found, yeah I had forgotten that
I had all these little metal mailboxes (remember when target had them in their dollar spot?) and I bought them with this bazaar in mind. So tonight I finished up decorating 12 of them- this is one of them: I am not sure if I will sell them on their own or if I will 1. fill little baggies with goodies and put them inside or 2. put a little baggie of gift tags. Either way I still have to price them which I find is difficult to do. I may pop over to SCS and get some thoughts from the ladies over there. They always seem to have good ideas/suggestions.
So that is what I will be working on for the next two weeks. I will try and get some pictures up of some different things as well- I just got a new bunch of stamps and product and am excited to use them. (still have not done my product review of my zutter either because I have not used it- I am a bit intimidated but Jen S said she would stop over and help me out)
Talk to ya later- have a birthday for one of the boys tomorrow at grandma's- can't believe he is 15 already! Yikes...............
Monday, October 8, 2007
Scratch n Sniff..........
Just a reminder to my faithful readers...... I will be on vacation for a bit so I will not be posting for a week or so. I hope you will post comments and wish for me to come back? maybe? Ah I will be basking in the sun, drinking little drinks with umbrellas so no matter what- I will be "good" when I get back. You all take care!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
What is better than chocolate?
Personally? I think that chocolate packaged in sweet little packages- ones that call out to me, buy me buy me! I made a handful of these for the craft show in November and I will be making a bunch more since I got like 50 of these little pillow boxes. I do like how they turned out and I made some coffee, fallish and then I will have some holiday ones but the show is Nov
Oh and don't forget about the Candy for a cause..................
Blog Candy for a Cause.................
Well I hope the "blog candy" got your attention. I have been thinking about blog candy and have just not had a chance to do it. But as I was doing some light reading on blogs this morning I ran upon Candy for a Cause. What can be better than sending some "cheer" to someone that really needs it and then by chance you might win something sweet. So, check out Andreas blog and get the scoop. This is a family with twins baby girls that have been diagnosed with neuroblastomas- yes, you heard me correct, both of them were diagnosed at the same time. All you have to do is send them a card. So go- stop reading and spread some "cheer" to them. This is a local Michigan family so come on Michigan pals- lets fill that box with Michigan cards!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Hold on tightly...........
Okay- so what else am I working on you ask.............. well I have not broken down and read the manual for my zutter but Jen tells me it will almost work on its own so maybe one evening I will just jump in and use it and see what happens. Then I can do a product review for you. So, instead I will show you this:
This is a card I got from my pal friend Sue Kempter Miller. I just love this set so I was thrilled that she sent me a card made with because I do not have it yet. Angie- you will want to lift this card as it is sooooooo darned cute. Plus it has that "hoardable" paper on it! Thank you Sue for sending me such a beautiful card.
And that is it for this fine Wednesday. I will post some pictures later this week from my stamp camp- don't want to show the girls the rest of the goodies and ruin it. I designed the last item last evening and love it- plus it uses a technique that I have not personally done- so look forward to that.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Monday Blues.........
Good Monday and October 1st to you all! I can't believe it rained all day here, I used my little space heater to get the cold out of the bones! Oh, I know many of you are thinking for heaven sakes Heidi- what are you........ gettin old! Nope, always been like this. I just get cold easy and don't like rainy days unless I can sleep! :) Which I did not get to do today I might add!
So- that is what you will get from me for this Monday- I will try and post again this week prior to the club but don't want to spoil all the stuff for the girls!
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