WOW! Can you believe that it is almost 2010. Ok, think back to when we rolled over to the year 2000, remember all the crazy stuff that was suppose to happen? I remember when people were buying up all the bottled water, batteries and gas masks- do you remember that? Here we are 10 years later (OMG, I just realized that I am 10 years older too!) It is funny how certain things stick with you, for instance that was the year my oldest son broke out with chicken pox on December 22nd, it was also my father's last Christmas with us, and the year my hubby gave me a fabulous jewelry Christmas!
I want to wish you all a Happy New Year!
It's really funny because I didn't really believe all of that Y2K stuff but before midnight I did fill up our washing machine, bath tub and blender with water. Remember it was suppose to be a melt down. Happy New Year Heidi and God bless you in 2010.
Funny you mentioned New Year's 2000 because that is all I could think of this evening. It is rather odd for a military family to be in the same place that they were 10 years earlier but wow, time flies..... Thank you so much for all of your wonderful projects and your commitment to ABC Toys and Crafts. Can't wait to see what 2010 holds for each of us. Hugz
what a fab card and the image reminds me of Bond, James Bond too.
I know what you mean, I wrote out 2010 the other day and just stared at it thinking it seemed like that number should be so far into the future...and here it is! In 2000 we were at the fire station with friends playing games and it was snowing like crazy outside, oh wow, and my oldest son would have been 14 then! A wonderful card Heidi!
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