Is this the cutest little chipboard ever? Well not to brag on it but just the mere size of it makes it adorable. My husband took one look and said to me- uh, where are you going to buy a round notepad to fit this? Ha ha............ he has no idea. I thought it would be so sweet on a little stand and then a cute little picture on it for the holidays? Maybe a special friend will get this one. It is covered with Basic Grey paper, the little pointsettia are from Making Memories I believe, they are felt.
Have a great start to your week!
this is just so cute and you're right, the shape does make it
This is adorable, and it reminds me of one I need to finish, and the photo idea is perfect for it too!
this is so very adorable, where did you get it? Our dh's they don't have a clue, do they?....lol..you gotta luv'em though, mine is so very supportive..have a wonderful evening!
enjoy *~*
This is super cute Heidi
beautiful job! I think a picture would be perfect for it :)
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